Summer and School
I have seemed to lose time when at college. While I was a vampire, time simply seemed to expand in order for me to be able to pursue Latin, Japanese, Calculus, and my various writing pursuits along with working out. Coming back, though, I have suddenly remembered how much time being around people takes. Social interaction is a skill that I shall have to relearn. Suddenly I am faced with vocabularies that are above the fifth grade level (though you would be hard-reckoned to find fifth graders who were as vulgar as my fellow proletariat) and with people who actually understand what I say. It is an odd experience. Don't get me wrong, my co-workers were not the most refined or nice people but they were not completely bad. It was a good experience for me- trying out the new sleeping system, hanging around people who were different from me in nearly every respect, and enduring 8 hours of working a night, every night, even when I really, really, didn't want to. On the other hand it was kind of liberating. At college, the main interaction that goes on with my friends is relationships. In such a tight nit group, gossip travels around faster than sound, light, and bad news. For some reason, good or bad, I seem to project a stable influence, so people come to me and tell me their problems. Often, I get both sides, and keeping both could be very stressful. I would worry about both sides and hope against hope that my advice would not be terrible influence. Soon enough, I was caught up in it myself. But after months not thinking about anything that had to do with these interpersonal squabbles, I find that I rather miss being involved. So this year I'm going to make a few changes. I'll give advice, but with the premise that I am not responsible for what happens as a result. Mostly I'm just going to relax, figuring that relationships are pretty much going to be or do what they are going to be or do no matter what I say. And if I ever have the need to fulfill my own romantic desires, then I am definitely going outside the Honors Program. Otherwise, it would just get complicated, and I don't think I can handle it.
Wow, we did really well. I saw you a grand total of one time the entire summer. And I still haven't given you your birthday present. It's sitting in my room, all wrapped. Hmm...that was in May, right? Oh, dear.
Glad to know you have your high speed internet back. Being around people is a good thing; communicating face to face is much more fulfilling than emails and texts and cell phones and IMs and every other manner of technology we have. They're fun, but they lack something that is vital to real communication.
Have fun back at school; don't let your prolotariat (?) kill too many of your brain cells, and keep us updated! (I'll try to do the same.)
*ahem* Please ignore that outburst.
Good luck with the social interaction! Whatever that it....
is.... not it.... *slaps self*
and what about me? I have the intellect of more than a five year old. grr...
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