Language Woes
Usually this is the time when I would like to assure all of my faithful readers (yes I'm talking about both of you) that I did not, in fact, die; I was simply lazy and full of busyness which distracted me from posting on my blog. Let me assure that this is in fact not true. I died, and this is the real and by no means fabricated reason why I did not post. I was once was dead, now I'm alive, we're all happy again, back to business.One more thing, actually. This is a ranting post. If you do not want to hear about my hard times, I suggest that you forget that I posted this and go on complaining that I never update- then you can e-mail me that I never update so that I remember to do it.
I hate Japanese. I got a test back today, a test that I studied 6 hours for in preparation of it's evilness. I knew I wouldn't do well- but I figured that in the 80's wouldn't be too far out of the question.
I got a 60. Now, our teacher said everyone in the class did poorly, so perhaps the material was merely incomprehensible to all of us. But this is the second (of three) tests that I have recieved "D" grades on. I am unused to being a "D" student, especially when I put 6 hours of studying into a test.
I spoke with a girl in my class afterwards and started conversing with her along this vein. I had forgotten how surprised people get when I tell them that I am taking 23 credits- it was funny to watch her eyes pop out of her head. But she was surprised when I told her that I could handle Ordinary Differential Equations, I could handle American History, I could handle Philosophy and Rhetoric- but Japanese took up 3/4 of my studying, and still I got bad grades in it.
There is a senior in the H.P. here who speaks 5 languages. Those are the ones she speaks fluently- she can handle the basics in a few others. I think I would trade my knowledge in another subject if I could learn how to speak well in another language. It's simply the coolest thing, and I just can't seem to get a handle on it.